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Soda vs Pop
07/22/2014 10:01
You can sometimes tell where someone is from based on how they reference different products. We had this discussion before at work, and I asked my coworker does he drink pop, and you would have thought I asked for beer....
07/17/2014 13:21
I believe it has to do.with power and respect.. These young men want what is portrayed thru hip hop music not saying it's the cause. But all these young men want what they see the respect they think thay comes with the street life. Easy life. What are young men need is hope and shown there is...
07/17/2014 13:21
The problem is in many many areas however, in my opinion, the main problem is a lack of strong parenting when these people were younger. It's easy to point the finger at the government for what they are not providing, but ultimately if your talk and raised right to work hard and respect others then...
07/17/2014 13:19
The city of Chicago has been plagued with the spirit of "gangsterism" from the Al Capone days until this present moment. That spirit has filled our government, churches, schools, blocks. It will not go away unless those of us in Christ take back what we let the devil have. We have been...
07/17/2014 13:15
Too many to name, but let's start with parents not raising their kids...too many guns easily available, not enough jobs for young in the city is poor at best I could go on....
Kids vs. Adults
07/16/2014 14:32
Every day I wish I was older....
Question 6: With everything going on in Chicago aka "Chi-raq", what do you think is the problem?
07/15/2014 12:26
With everything going on in Chicago aka "Chi-raq", what do you think is the problem?
Please leave your name and email address!!!!!!!!
Money Matters
07/14/2014 20:23
In recent months I have had to re-evaluate the manner in which I review money and how we are responsible for our own financial choices. Many of people have stated that you should never loan money to family or friends, as it is an easy manner in which to end a...
07/14/2014 10:09
I love the holidays because they tend to draw out family and friends you don't always get to see. You reminisce about the past and make more memories for the future. You laugh until you cry or can't breathe. Young and old together strengthening the bonds and keeping your family history alive. I...
07/14/2014 10:05
Stay Tuned!!! Greater is coming!!!
Items: 11 - 20 of 941