TC's Truth

Prayer Still Works

TC's Truth

I don't know where you came from

07/24/2013 23:24
I don't know where you came from I'm not sure who let you in....I would never consider you to be welcomed here, so tell me, just how did you get in? Because of you our children can't even play outside We have to lock, lock, and double lock our doors. Can't leave the house to run to the store,...

TC's Testimony, Today

07/11/2013 21:01
Today, I received revelation that I cannot go higher until I let go of the things that weigh me down. That statement alone was not the true revelation. See, before today I assumed the 'weights' were things like; drinking, smoking, cheating, etc. The true revelation is that the 'weights' in my life...

What Are You Saying?

07/04/2013 07:27
Last night I got less sleep than I did the night before, yet I had more energy throughout my day today, than I did yesterday.  So, what was so different about today compared to yesterday?  I'm glad you asked!  The difference is, today I did not tell myself that I was tired. ...

From My Heart To Yours - Keep Working

06/26/2013 22:40
From My Heart To Yours - Keep Working   Do you sometimes feel like giving in, throwing in the towel? Do you ever just wish you could stay in the bed on Sunday morning? Why is it that we can get so sick of church and the folks in the church? Why do we sometimes wish that we could just be bench...

Stay Focused On Your Work

06/19/2013 23:04
Stay Focused On Your Work Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared....

You are not your past!!!

06/13/2013 05:53
U are NOT Ur Past Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, (Romans 8:1 NIV) I have done some things in my life that I am not proud of. I haven't always acted saved since I've been saved. I've talked about people when I know I shouldn't have. I've smoked a lil...


06/06/2013 07:07

All Is Well

05/29/2013 20:03
Last week I had surgery on my arm, my right arm.  It was about a two hour surgical procedure to repair a tendon, and shorten my ulnar bone.  (It’s a long story).   My arm is currently in a hard splint from my hand to right above my elbow.   Did I mention that I am...

The Choice To Forgive

05/23/2013 00:52
I Forgive You. I Forgive You, three words that seem so hard to say.  Three little words that hold so much, power, so much freedom.  Three words that rarely come out the mouth with ease, but squeezed between clinched teeth and pursed lips. I don't intend on taking up much of your time...

Missing Mom

05/15/2013 20:21
            It is 6:09am in the city that I'm in.  So many thoughts run through mind as I think about the past weekend and how it affected me.  Mother's day weekend, for many is a special time spent with family, paying tribute to...
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Elder TC's Prayer Corner

The Praying Games

04/10/2013 18:40
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take...." We all remember this childhood prayer, right?  Then, we would continue on like this..."God bless mommy, bless daddy, my sister and brother, bless grandma, and...

Precious Memories

03/20/2013 12:48
On this day 26 years ago, (March 21, 1987), I gave birth to my oldest child. A son. He was nearly 3 months early. He was frail, and a little funny looking. Most of all, he was peculiar. He constantly held his hands in the praying position. This son of mine was one different kind of child. Being...

Time to Fight

03/13/2013 09:17
I don't know about you or where you reside, but here in my home town of Rockford, IL there seems to be a whole lot of Saints of God stricken with cancer. Everywhere we turn, there seems to be someone new coming forward with this 'cancer' report from their doctor. I must say that I'm sick and tired...


03/06/2013 23:00
I never liked to pray. What I mean is, I know what power prayer has. I know that when you pray you get answers. The problem I always had was I really didn’t want to hear the answers that I knew I would get. So, I prayed when I needed to, just not all the time. I prayed when people were sick. I...

Elder TC's Prayer Corner

Re: Elder TC

03/23/2013 19:25
Hello Pastor J, Wow, what a story! Not too different than my own. We lost our mother in November of 2006. She had a heart attack. My son and nephew discovered her body that morning. I am the youngest of seven, and although I did not give the eulogy, I did speak at her home going service. It seems...


03/22/2013 12:48
  My name is Pastor J I lost my mother on Mach 5,2012. She pass in her sleep! Me and my sister life and world has been change for ever I know and understand the power of prayr! It amazing to how i have spoke aT SO MANY FURNERL BUT WHEN IT HIS YOU IT TOTALLY DIFFERENT... We the hard...


03/07/2013 11:53
Prayer Is The Answer..The Only Answer. James 5:16 NIV "........The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective". Blessings!

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