------>Minister's Bio
Pastor Ronald G. Alexander
06/09/2013 19:25------>Minister's Bio
Pastor Jerry Wright
03/31/2013 21:40------>Minister's Bio
Minister David L. Arrington
03/21/2013 23:42------>Minister's Bio
Minister Ovester Armstrong Jr.
03/21/2013 23:35------>Minister's Bio
Co-Pastor Leroy Mitchell
03/21/2013 23:29------>Minister's Bio
Pastor James M. Ivy
03/13/2013 09:13------>Minister's Bio
Co-Pastor George Joseph "Joe" Mitchell
03/11/2013 16:29------>Minister's Bio
Minister Tranelle Duffie
03/13/2013 09:01------>Minister's Bio
Elder Tracey L Curry
03/05/2013 23:02------>Minister's Bio
Minister Teraleen R. Campbell
03/05/2013 00:38------>Minister's Bio
Delores Sanan
03/02/2013 17:40------>Minister's Bio
The Personal Testimony of: Rev. Arcelia “Cee Cee” Jackson
02/05/2013 22:36------>Minister's Bio
Minister David J. Seymour
02/04/2013 17:56Reverend David J. Seymour is a native of Chicago, Illinois, where he was raised by his mother and grandmother. Reverend Seymour received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Corporate and Organizational Communication from Northern Illinois University in 2001 and recently graduated from Northern Theological Seminary with a Master Divinity degree.
Since 2001, Rev. Seymour has served in ministry in various capacities and has a passion for teaching people how to apply the Word of God in their everyday lives. He has faithfully served at New Hope M.B. Church in DeKalb under the leadership of co-pastors Leroy and George Mitchell. At New Hope, Rev. Seymour serves an Associate Minister and trustee. Professionally, Rev. Seymour works as a counselor in the CHANCE Program at Northern Illinois University working with African American males. Additionally, Reverend Seymour serves as the Illinois District Chaplain of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reverend Seymour is happily married to Rev. Lisa Seymour and together they have a son David Jr.
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Pastor Aamon R. Miller
01/14/2013 19:19Aamon R. Miller, B.S., M. Div. serves as Pastor of Swansboro Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Middle School Education from Illinois State University and a Master of Divinity from Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. You can subscribe "Pastor ARM" on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aamon AND https://www.facebook.com/swansborobc AND on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/swansborobc