
05/05/2014 16:23

      The countdown to new beginnings started May 1.  As a person born in May, specifically May 6, I celebrate the entire Month. I spend the time in reflection and determine what the year is to unfold. This year, I am not taking a trip outside the United States, as I did last year when I went to Cabo San Lucas.  This year, I decided to stay stateside, and just spend time with friends celebrating their accomplishments.

            Each day for the month of May for all those who follow me on Facebook, I am leaving little nuggets of encouragement. I am seeking to be the hope in the world. I seek to be of the mindset that a pessimistic person cannot go for, but one who has a hint of realism and a wealth of optimism can conquer the world. We must get out of being nay sayers. We must truly understand that there is power in the tongue.

            I recently had the opportunity to witness Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, preach.  Her text was entitled "Make the Most of What You Got", she took it from the parable found in Luke 19:11 - 26. I won't go over her entire sermon because I would more than likely get it wrong, but I will provide you the take a ways, that I received from my interpretation of what she delivered on May 4, 2014 at Grant AME Worship Center, Austin, Texas. 

1.     You are required to have moral & emotional fortitude.

2.     Moral fortitude allows you to get things done correctly while doing the right thing.

3.     Emotional fortitude allows you to understand others opinions that differ from yours.

4.    There is always going to be situations and things that are going to try and keep you from getting your stuff; however, you must understand what God

        has for you is for you.

5.     You must always have back up - those that can hold you accountable and tell you the truth.

     I am heading into a new season of my life, and I am becoming more transparent with myself as to what are my shortcomings. It is time to truly walk by Faith. It is not enough to just get by. It is time to keep on pushing on.


Tactful Talk Tuesday with Taneka

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