Candy Crush Determination

06/17/2013 06:37

Philippians 3:13-14

King James Version (KJV)

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


            I love this game my crazy Facebook friends have introduced me to.  CANDY CRUSH!!!!  I am so caught up, I play it every day.  I really feel this is payback for getting my friends hooked on Scandal.  I know I shouldn’t have taken the Candy Crush bait, but I became curious.  By nature, I am very competitive.  It comes from both sides of the family so I get it honestly.   Right now on this game I game stuck on level 29 and it’s irritating me that I am stuck.  I fight with this game day and night, honestly all day if I could.  At any given down time, my focus is on this game.  Now stick a pin in this part of the story.

            Right now, I am in a midst of the biggest shift in my life.  God has called me to do something, in my opinion, very difficult.  It’s one of the biggest mountains I have ever faced in my life.  Honestly, I don’t want to do it.  At times, I admit, I have a Jonah spirit. I just plain don’t want to.  I am tired.  I have fought many battles and I feel like I am not where I am suppose to be in life. I felt like I have failed, but it’s not the truth.  My season for those things was over, and transition was necessary.  I was successful in those seasons where I was planted, but as soon as I got comfortable, I became uncomfortable. It is time to reach higher levels and goals in this season.  Now don’t get me wrong, I do desire to have an Abraham and a Joshua spirit.  You know, Abraham went when the Lord told him to.  Joshua went straight into warfare and took the battle of Jericho.

            After praying Saturday morning, the Holy Ghost arrested my spirit in the midst of playing candy crush, (I already know what you’re thinking, but leave me alone).  I could hear it as clear as day.  I heard him say, “You love that game don’t you?”  “It’s interesting that when the game, lose, it tells you that you failed, but you fight to play again.”  “You don’t stop, but in your life you already know you have the victory and yes you may fail, but you’ve parked and stop fighting.” “You’re tired, you say, fight for your life like you fight in this game.”

            That messed me up.  I thought about this game Candy Crush and even my show SCANDAL.  I realize for some of us we will stop everything, anybody, and any excuse to get to Thursday night for that hour to watch that show.  We will turn off phones; put kids to bed so that we can get to the things that we love.  We are determined to get to the next level of a game, but not in where God wants to take us.  I admonish you to press for things that are eternal, and not for carnal things that will pass away.  Press On!!! (But you can still pay Candy Crush and watch Scandal!!!)

Candy Crush Determination


06/18/2013 18:27
Its all good... I'm stuck on level 50. We are stuck for a reason! TC!


06/18/2013 10:04
LOL.....I Love it and you are right on point.......we should apply that same determination towards God in our live...... Great Post !!!


06/18/2013 08:24
I am cracking up this morning!!!! This truly is my testimony! You took these words right out my mouth. Just so you know Ms Vicki, I'm preaching this baby! Thanks for the smiles this morning...GOOD WRITING! TC!


06/18/2013 08:24
TC I thought I was crazy for writing this, but when I received that word, I wrote about it.  It's amazing when and where God speaks to you.  Every time I pick up my phone to play, I have to do something to further my cause.  SMH only God can make you do that!!  LOL  By the...

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