Don’t Let Satan Talk to Your Woman!!! by Pastor Jerry Wright

04/07/2013 23:54

        When God created Eve, Adam knew right away she was created for him.  He started to sing Etta James famous song before Etta James or Beyoncé’ were thought of – At Last!  He was still basking in his amazement when he named her, Whoa-Man.  There are few things greater in life than finding someone you feel was created just for you.  They spent their honeymoon the same way I wanted to spend mine, running around the Garden of Eden butt-naked and unashamed.  Making love all day long in the bushes, in the fields, under water falls, in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (what else was there to do).  They probably licked honey off of each other, exploring every inch of each other’s body.  Can you imagine having the whole world to yourself, just you and your spouse in a God ordained relationship?  Sounds like heaven on Earth.


        Who else would be looking to destroy your paradise but Satan himself?  Satan begins to talk to Eve about the” forbidden fruit” God told them to stay away from.  He starts his rap, “Did God really say, ‘you must not eat from any tree in the garden’? “ Eve says, “No silly, just the tree in the middle”.  Her response to him let’s him know he can have further conversation.  He intrigues her saying, “Girl you and Adam could have the same power God has if you ate from that tree in the middle.” “Surely you won’t die.” This makes Eve feel silly for not considering the tree in the middle of the garden earlier.


        I once had a friend whose wife taught aerobics and worked out at a fitness center.  She casually told her husband about a guy who was going through a divorce.  The guy was worried about his kids and where he would live.  He talked about how unfair his wife had been and all the evil she had done in their marriage, yet they still lived together.  My friend didn’t address any of these concerns; instead he wanted to know how she got all this information.  The wife said they worked out at the same time in the fitness center, so they conversed while working out.  Like any dude trying to protect his God-ordained relationship he tells his wife, “Don’t work out with this guy again, He’s a snake!” He continues by saying, “What kind of guy works out in a fitness center dogging out his wife, crying about his situation to a woman he doesn’t really know?” The wife defends their interaction by stating, “He’s a friend.” The husband contorts, “If he’s not my friend, he’s not your friend.”


        I love that response.  In fact, I would tell the guy not to speak to my wife while she’s glistening from working out, and wearing her biker shorts.  I wouldn’t want your friendship to be based on her big butt you’ve been lusting after.  Go get a counselor!  The wife should have said, “Maybe my husband can help you?” I bet his situation would have gotten better in a hurry.  In fact, I think I’ll start working out with my wife.


        Back to Adam, did you know Adam was right there with Eve as Satan spoke to her?  He did not say a word.  What should Adam have said? “Get behind me Satan!” “Stop talking to my wife!” “I got a stick just for this occasion!” Any of those would do.  Man!  Don’t let Satan talk to your woman!  I always thought Adam was off working somewhere as Eve was enticed.  No, Genesis 3:6b says, “She took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”  The fall of mankind. The next thing you know Adam is blaming Satan, blaming Eve, and even blaming God.  They go from butt-naked in the garden, to naked and ashamed hiding from God.  Paradise disrupted.  Protect what God has given you.  Cherish it!  Don’t let Satan talk to your woman!


Has he been messing with your Paradise?  Holla Back.  

Don’t Let Satan Talk to Your Woman!!! by Pastor Jerry Wright


04/08/2013 16:45
  Pastor Wright. You cannot leave a sister hanging like that.  You just dropped the mic in the mist of the shout.  I do not think anyone ever paid attention that Adam was right there.  You know it took me to take a Woman's literature class to discover that...

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