Hey Ladies

09/05/2013 12:34


Hey Ladies....

I know you want a man who has it all together.  His own car, crib, and career.  He must meet all of your standards, and be able to help you to lighten your load.  I know your list goes on and on.  After all, it is 2013. He should be able to cook and clean and not mind pitching in every once in a while. Of course you would prefer that he not have any kids, you don't want to deal with 'baby mama drama'. I hear your voice, and you want more than just a companion, you want some help, so you don't have to struggle so much. I understand.


Hey Ladies...

I hear you when you say he should be outgoing and easy on the eyes.  Taller than the last one, and darker than your past ones.  He should be bringing home all the bacon and not have a problem turning it over to you.  He will need to always look like he just stepped out of the GQ magazine (do they still exist?), and oh my, he better be able to throw down in the bedroom.


Hey Ladies....

There is nothing wrong with having standards.  We want what we want, and we know what we want.  I have a question; are you all that you are looking for in a man? Let's say you find him, or he finds you (that’s what the bible says should happen), he is everything you said you wanted. He goes to work everyday and brings home more than just the bacon, but you don't think you should have to cook it. He rides nice and looks nice, but you throw on pj's and a scarf to run to grocery store. He doesn't mind helping out around the house, but you expect it of him. Let's not forget that he is everything you ever imagined your lover to be, but you hold back and use sex as a tool to get what you want. SMH


Hey Ladies...

Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side! (Ride or die) I just want to bring to your attention that you should be the person you want to have in Mr. Right, first. The things you are willing to do to get him, must be done continuously to keep him. I hear you, who made me the authority? LOL... nobody, but I've been married for 18 years, and I have to be doing something right!


Hey Ladies....

Mr. Right wants to come home to a clean house with the smell of some chicken frying in the grease, or something.  Mr. Right wants to be able to communicate about his day, just like you want to be able to complain about everything that went wrong with yours.  Mr. Right wants a compliment every now and again to reassure him that he still 'has it', and you better believe, Mr. Right does not want to have to beg you for intimacy and a lil freakiness on a regular basis. IJS...


Hey Ladies...

Take it from me, if you treat your man like a King, he will not hesitate to treat you like his Queen.  Work on you, before you try to work over him. So, while you are praying for a mate, don't forget to ask God to make you ready for him. While you are praying for a mate, don't forget to ask God to make you ready for him.






09/19/2013 16:20
  This was a great read TC! #Truth #HelpSomebody  


09/05/2013 22:15
Awesome message... speak truth


09/05/2013 21:45
Love it! So true.


09/05/2013 21:44
You all are incredible! Thank you so much for your comments and your support. Keep reading. Keep me in your prayers. Keep sharing! TC!


09/05/2013 17:20
  Awesome words of wisdom and the truth!!  


09/05/2013 17:20
Luv it!!! Thanks for enlighting some of us women on the real 411!!! Renee T


09/05/2013 17:19
  Love it, that is why I am still married at 40 years, because we and I had to learn all of these things. We still do all of these things, and YES, I do mean ALL of these things. Him and I. aaahhhh! Mama Betty  


09/05/2013 17:17
    This is good. Are you asking for something you can't deliver or be. I think some married ladies need to revisit as well...


09/05/2013 15:44
  Love it! Our young (and some older) sisters and daughters need to be honest with themselves and admit it. In the midst of making your list of "must haves" in a relationship, ask yourself, "would I marry me right now". If you can be totally honest with yourself and the answer is...

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