I Must Have Rehearsed My Lines..........
We are in the month of July, and when I tell you 2013 has been filled with many blessings, it truly has been. I know it is traditional to bring into the New Year with different resolutions. I have never been one of those people, as for me my New Year does not start until May 6. However, January 1, 2013, was a change, the atmosphere shifted, and what has resulted into some marvelous experiences. My reaffirmation that God is alive and well came from my recent visit back home. I had the opportunity to go back and see things with new eyes. I had the opportunity to see that not only had I made the right decision by listening to God when He told me to move, but how He allowed this peace to come over me in doing so.
I have also learned that when one door closes another truly does open. On my journey back home, I rediscovered myself. I learned that the weight of the world is not on my shoulders. I was able to apply and understand that the battle is not mine, but it is the Lords’. It is funny that just when you think you have this thing called life figured out, that something happens that lets you know who truly is in control. Since my New Year, I have taken several vacations. I have had the opportunity to see the world in a manner in which one would never deemed possible. However, God chose me at this appointed time to do just that. I don’t take for granted the blessings before me, because I know that through Christ Jesus all things are possible. He is really showing me how being faithful over a few things, that He is making me ruler over many. The testament of one’s faith is when God can truly trust you with more than what you can ever ask for or think.
I leave you with the lyrics of a song that I believe we all have heard many of times, but it is so critical today, because it is one for encouragement. One where you know that as you continue to allow your light to shine, that kingdom of God is opening up, and allowing others to be blessed through you.
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
Let it shine
Let it shine to show my love
Everywhere I go I'm gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go I'm gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go I'm gonna let it shine
I let it shine to show my love
Even in my home I'm gonna let is shine
I let it shine to show my love
When I see my neighbor coming I'm gonna let it shine
Tactful Talk Tuesday with Taneka
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