No Resolutions, Instead Renew Your Mind

01/06/2014 21:02


No Resolutions, Instead Renew Your Mind

I know at 12 midnight January 1, many people said they were going to begin their New Year’s resolutions. Then five days in and it was already falling apart. It seems people are shocked when such resolves fall apart, and I am saying I am surprised that anyone would think they would not. I mean let’s think about it for a moment. Why put so much stock in the calendar changing to begin a new, when each day we have an opportunity to impact and impart a different outcome within our lives. Why didn’t one decide to implement a strategy of change before January 1? What is so significant about January 1 then let’s say July 1? You see, it’s about purposing in your mind a different result. I think we truly get in the habit of saying and doing things that mean us no good. It is insane to think that because the calendar year change that that is enough to make you get up and do something different and stick to it.

It is stated that it takes 21 days to break a habit. If that is true then should we not be preparing for our change? Should we not have a realistic and attainable goal outline so that we truly can reach our goals? I do not want to discourage but to encourage us to be better in our thinking. Nothing happens to us or for us overnight, therefore, we cannot get these aha moments in our heads and say come January 1 we are going to start a new. It may work for the 1% but the 99% of us know that is not enough. Therefore, let’s not be insane and let us not get weary in well doing. What we want to do is not get into fads or have unrealistic expectations. We had this motto that we were too blessed to be stressed in 2013. Guess what, most of us were stressed because we bit off more than we could chew. We kept worrying about people and things that meant us no good. It just became the opposite of what we said. Thus, let’s not deceive ourselves. Let’s start with a prayerful outlook. Let what God have for us, be for us. Do not get so caught up that you get caught under.


            I leave you with the following as you go about renewing your mind, in Christ.


 Philippians 4:8 ESV “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things”


Proverbs 15:28 ESV  The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”


Romans 12:2 ESV  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


Tactful Talk Tuesday with Taneka


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