Power Belongs to God! by Minister Teraleen R. Campbell

03/12/2013 23:06

 I am so glad that I can state emphatically, that the Word of the Lord is true!  Not that I ever doubted, but already this week, I've been tested by a situation on which I praised and continued to believe God for change.  My beloved mother, who is a miracle in so many ways, having survived the death angel knocking at her door in 2010, enduring 7 surgeries, was taken to the hospital on her birthday. 


The first report indicated possible surgery.  Understanding that an additional surgery would be high risk, I grew more concerned.  After nearly losing my composure while working off site, I recalled being admonished by my Associate Pastor, Bishop T. Cedric Brown at the end of Sunday's service.  He instructed us to remain focused as we went throughout the week.  The sermon on Sunday told us that God was with us in whatever we're going through and that He will turn things around.  With this in mind, I stole away to say a quick word of prayer, and apply the blood Jesus Christ our Savior over the situation.  Although my mind was still filled with concern, I proceeded with my workday.  My mother and I do not reside within the same local area, so I was awaiting word from another family member. 


A few hours later, the victory report came.  The indicating tests showed nothing major.  Mom was being released back to the nursing home to relax the rest of the evening. Thank you Jesus for yet another victory!


This latest situation serves as yet another reminder.  God's power reigns and He indeed does have the final say.  I know that so many friends, loved ones and acquaintances are going through a variety of situations.  Some are unemployed, while others are underemployed, or wondering what the government is going to do with furloughs.  Some are awaiting the manifestation of a promise or dream to come true.  Others are keeping hope alive for the healing for themselves or a loved one.  I simply want to remind you of the greatness of our God. 


Just know, as Isaiah wrote in 54:17, while the weapon may form, it won't prosper.  Why?  Because God said so!  More importantly, our God has the power to back up what He says. 


Psalm 62:11 puts it this way – “….power belongs to God.” 


In the words of Israel & New Breed, and if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?  And if our God is with us then what could stand against?   Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.  Our God is healer, awesome in power - our God!

Or if Hezekiah Walker works better for you, remember there is nothing too hard for God.  Power belongs to God! 

Power Belongs to God! by Minister Teraleen R. Campbell

Re: Teraleen Campbell

03/20/2013 09:54
Thank you all for your kind words and feedback. We do indeed serve a powerful God!


03/14/2013 20:41
  Minister Campbell, You are truly taking ministry outside of the walls sometimes hidden behind roll calls all in the name of accountability. Thank GOD for this blessed venue through which GOD is using you to minister wholesomeness to a seeking people !!!  


03/14/2013 09:03
God bless you sis. God indeed has the final say so. I'm finding it difficult to find hope during this, my time of trial. I ask that you pray for me as I minister to others and make an attempt to minister to myself in the midst of my situation. This blog is a reminder that he reigns forever and His...


03/13/2013 21:08
Thank you Tera for sharing your testimony and your faith today. God bless you ZP! Gwyneth


03/13/2013 18:50
The greatness of God reigns! Lynda


03/13/2013 09:22
Powerful and timely reminder Tera. At a time when so many of us know that we know, that we know that God is awesome, powerful, and in control, your confirming testimony serves as a reminder that while we're in the midst and going through our own personal storms, we are yet headed to victory by the...


03/13/2013 08:58
Tera, thanks for sharing your overcoming testimony. God is a miracle worker! I've seen him work miracles in my own life.....   Brenda
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