The Choice To Forgive

05/23/2013 00:52

I Forgive You.
I Forgive You, three words that seem so hard to say.  Three little words that hold so much, power, so much freedom.  Three words that rarely come out the mouth with ease, but squeezed between clinched teeth and pursed lips.

I don't intend on taking up much of your time today, but I do intend to be helpful.  Let's do a little exercise.  Think for just a moment about that person or the people who hurt you. I mean the hurt that you still feel whenever you see the one who caused the pain.  The hurt that you experienced that won't allow you to have a productive and healthy relationship with persons of the opposite sex.  The pain that keeps you from giving yourself completely to ministry.  How about the sting that makes you doubt every word from a friend's mouth?

Now, take a moment to recall those things that you may have done or said that could have caused pain to another.  Even if it wasn't intentional. Now think about all the times you may have hurt the Heavenly Father.  This shouldn't be very comfortable, but we do tend to disappoint Him, just as others disappoint us.  How quick are we to shout out, "Lord, forgive me?”  Before we know it we are asking for forgiveness, and we continue on with our day, more than likely asking for forgiveness several more times.

On this journey, we learn that God is a forgiving God, and that if we ask, it shall be done.  We know this deep down in our spirit, but when the tables are turned, and someone has wronged us, how quick are we to offer that same forgiving spirit to others?

Chew on that for just a minute.

A lot of times when someone has wronged us, they aren't as aware of the lasting effects we feel from what has been done.  So, the two parties appear to move on.  Days, weeks, even years go by and that seed that had been planted continues to grow.  The unforgiving spirit becomes deeply rooted and bitterness and anger set in.  Every time you see that person, the memories of the pain caused come back in full force.  The very presence of the one who caused the hurt changes your whole demeanor. Whew, that's a lot of power we give to others.  The power to change who you are just because they walked into the room.  SMH

I want you to learn to let it go.  I want you to learn how to forgive, so that you can experience true freedom.  Forgiving does not mean forgetting. It means, taking back the power you've so freely given away.

Picture yourself lying on the floor and there is an elephant sitting on top of you.  That elephant represents the Unforgiven.  While that elephant is sitting on you, you can't do anything.  You can’t work, you can’t give, and you sure can't receive anything from God.  You are stuck.  Once the choice is made to forgive, the elephant is no longer hindering you from anything.  FREEDOM!  Free to move, to give, to receive.  No more hindrances.

One more thing before I go... You will rarely feel like forgiving someone that hurt you.  Forgiveness is not about a feeling, but a choice.  When you choose to forgive, you receive power to heal.  Free yourself, forgive someone today.  Even if it is YOURSELF who needs to be forgiven.  Choose freedom!  Choose Forgiveness!

Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 MSG)


The Choice To Forgive


05/24/2013 06:59
Hi Ms. TC. It took me awhile, but I finally can say, my.exes name without feeling bitter. I had to remind myself, that certain people are in your life for a reason, season or lifetime. He just wasn't my lifetime. But what was learned from that experience is paramount. Thank,you sis. It's...

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