The Word Works; Apply It
The Word Works; Apply It
If you attend a bible teaching church on a weekly basis, raise your hand. By raising your hand you are professing that your pastor preaches and teaches the Word of God to you at least once a week. You may put your hand down, thank you.
From what I counted, most, if not all of us attend a church where the man or woman of God gives us God's Word. This means you have some knowledge of who God is. If this is the case, why are so many of us defeated in our spirits? Why are we walking around with our heads hung down? Why, if we know the truth, are we allowing our circumstances to overrule our faith?
I am no different than the next person. I have unpaid bills, and I don't have the money to pay them. I have wonderful children who are hard headed and disobedient. I have a relationship that in many ways could be better. I don't make the kind of money I wish I was making. I can't afford to buy a new pair of shoes or get my hair done on a regular basis, if at all. The truth of the matter is I am on the edge just like so many other people, but not only do I believe what I'm being taught, I trust what I'm being taught.
All of us are probably one thought away from depression, but living on the edge does not necessarily mean that I'm on the edge of defeat. I have to make a conscious decision every day think positively about my life and my situation. I’m on the edge of a breakthrough! I decide.
Today, I decide to praise God rather than to pout. I choose to read the scriptures for insight and inspiration, because God has a plan for my life, Jeremiah 29:11 Today, I decide that I shall live and not die Psalm 118:17. Today, I know that I am the righteousness of God, 2 Corinthians 5:21. Today, I decide to cast my cares on Him, for He cares for me, 1 Peter 5:7.
When trouble comes we turn to 'things' and 'people' rather than running to God, the only one who can truly help us. We feel that our spirits will get lifted from a bottle of 'spirits', or that we can smoke our way through tough times. I don't go to your church, but I'm pretty sure your pastor is not preaching that. We make God our choice, when nothing else has worked. SMH
The bottom line of this blog is simple; we sit under the teaching of the Word of God each week, yet we remain unchanged. Our faith is weak, so we really don't believe what we are being taught. We think we know that God is able, but we really don't believe in His ability as it pertains to us.
Let me encourage you today!
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20. God has the ability to do more than you can even imagine. Put your trust in Him and in what you are being taught at your church. Your pastor is not up studying and preparing just for his health. It’s time to let the Word work in our lives. Go into your next service expecting something great and you will receive just that! God will send a word that speaks to your very situation all you have to do is apply it.
No matter what it looks like, I decide to live in victory.