Ecclesiastes 3:1
King James Version (KJV)
3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Can I tell you how much I hate the "spring forward" time change? WHY DO I HAVE TO GET UP SOOOOOOO EARLY?!?!?!? But while I was sitting here thinking about it, something in my spirit gave me this thought. There's a shifting in the atmosphere. At this time of year we are in preparation for Spring, Easter, Summer, etc. It's time for a shifting of the snow (for some of us), to warmer weather and longer days....
So my question today for you is: "What's shifting in your life?" What adjustments to you need to make to "spring forward"? Many times people miss the shifting because it's uncomfortable. We don't want to step out on faith, it's a new territory, I have to make adjustments. We ask the questions or make statements: "How can I do that?", "I don't know how to do that", or "I've never seen anyone do that".... These are the excuses we make often, but until we step out, trust, and try, nothing in our lives nothing ever changes.
Yesterday I was watching Jamal Bryant, (I love him soo much, as a preacher, c'mon people), and he said that when you come into someone's life or vice versa you should come with a solution, not a problem. I am paraphrasing, but it got me to thinking. What solutions could I help resolve if I just would have "sprung forward" and do what I felt the Lord told me to do. What problems would be resolve?
Didn't mean to do all this, but here you go!!
Be Fabulous and Be Blessed