TC's Testimony, Today

07/11/2013 21:01

Today, I received revelation that I cannot go higher until I let go of the things that weigh me down. That statement alone was not the true revelation. See, before today I assumed the 'weights' were things like; drinking, smoking, cheating, etc. The true revelation is that the 'weights' in my life are friendships/relationships.

I know that I am a real friend to those who I call friend. I am a "Ride Or Die" type of Chic. If I say I'm with you, you can believe that I am with you. Unfortunately, I sometimes expect the same from others, not realizing their inability to give me what I give to them.

Please allow me to vent for a moment...
I'm tired of being everything to everybody, whenever and wherever needed. I'm sick and tired of being your ear when your life is falling apart. I cannot take another session of you expressing and me listening, and when it's my turn you don't have time. When you mourn, when you hurt, when you're upset, when you need an outlet, when you need encouragement, when you need inspiration, when you need a friend, there's always ME! I give and you take. You give when you're ready, when it fits into your busy schedule. You give when it's convenient for you. In the meantime and in between time, what about ME? I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. If I don't call, we don't talk. When I'm in need where are you? When I need a push, when I need a pat on the back, when I need to be told the truth, where did you run off to? (heavy sigh) Yet, I am who I am! A good friend. A Sho Nuff "Ride Or Die Chic". I won't turn my back on you. I am the same, I don't change with circumstances. But, I am taking myself out of your pocket, not to be used at your leisure any longer. I am still a friend. A friend with boundaries, so I don't have to revisit this place again. I will be good to you, even if it doesn't feel like you are being good to me. Maybe I owe this next level to you. Untying myself from you is causing me to rise higher than ever before. Yes, thank you my friend, for giving what you could when you could. I don't need a long handle spoon to handle you with. I'll just handle you!

Whew....thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I feel so much better!

Maybe some of you feel this way? Maybe some of you now realize you cause others to feel this way? I'm not sure what your testimony is, but this is my testimony today. I could address this to one particular person, or to many, but it simply goes out to, The Burden Of Friendship.

That's it, that's all!


p.s. An unhealthy relationship does not only exist when there is sex and intimacy involved. If another person seldom adds to your life, but constantly takes, that's not a very healthy relationship. You were not meant to be a door mat. Get up, dust yourself off, hold your head up high, and experience your freedom.


TC's Testimony, Today


07/13/2013 09:29
I love this testimony


07/12/2013 16:11
I'm feeling this message! Your soo right about the P.S part " Relationship" I once was always giving & giving to a person and nothing wasn't being given back to me. But when it came time to ask the same person for help. This person made sure she got back everything. Now she's gone and the pain...


07/12/2013 14:04
  I just wonder why we put up with these kinds of relationships. But as u say "ride or die" true words. VA  


07/12/2013 13:16
  This is my first time viewing!!! And this testimony is for me!!! I'm always there no matter what... Always encouraging and I will continue because of the love of God I have... But now I can do it with boundaries. Thank u. May God continue to Bless and cover you and ur family N JESUS...


07/12/2013 12:22
The truth will set you free... I felt this and pray I never made others feel this way. I value friendship and that's the reason I don't label everybody a friend. Thank you for expressing a pain that we all have felt one time or another, but never expressed it. Real friends can share real...


07/12/2013 12:21
Im in that place right now and thank you for that. Time to reevaluate some relationships


07/12/2013 10:48
I to understand this Tray, well said I Love You Sis


07/12/2013 10:47
This "venting" was more of an eye opener for me. I felt like you had reached into my brain and pulled out all the buried thoughts I have been hiding for so long. Thank you!


07/12/2013 10:13
Love this! Oh my goodness been feeling this for like two weeks now!!!!!


07/12/2013 10:13
You are a good friend, I know you have been one to me. If I have taken that for granted Im sorry. Its so easy to get caught up in yourself but I am here for you. Im ready to move to my next level. Honestly, I feel like what can I do for someone when I got a mess goin on. You always know...
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