You're Always On My Mind

07/09/2013 06:50

You’re Always on My Mind


            There are people whom have made a great impact on my life. They have shown me who I would like to be, and how I would like to leave my mark on this earth. One person in particular is Mrs. Catherine Summers.  Mrs. Summers was my kindergarten teacher.  She was one of the most influential educators that I have had in my lifetime. I often think about her and how having her in my life shaped me into whom I am today.  I would love to let her know just how much wisdom and life she spoke into me.  I cherish who she is and what she meant to me. Therefore, I dedicate this entry to her.  The one woman, outside of my mother who I know without a shadow of a doubt loved me and wanted what was best for me.



You gave me hope for tomorrow with each promise of a better today.

You showed me that regardless of my present circumstance, that I can conquer the world

You are the woman who sheltered me from the storm of school bullying and name calling

You are the person that when I through a temper tantrum, wrapped me in your arms

You are the woman who dared me to be different

You spoke life and not death into my spirit

You are the wind beneath my wings

For you are the person, who told me to strive for the best

You are the reason why I loved to enter a school building

You are the reason why not only did I graduate elementary but why I achieved my MBA

I remember your words of encouragement, and how you went beyond the classroom

I know thank you is never enough, but know for this young person

You made a difference

Thus, Mrs. Summers I will always love you

For because of who you are, I am who I am


        To those of you who have ever had an educator go above and beyond for you, take time to recognize them. Place their names in my comment section, and leave your name and the school. If you know where they are today, send them a card of thanks.


Dedicated to Mrs. Catherine Summers – Cripus Attucks – Chicago, IL


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