Question of the Day

Have the best answer and win a prize!!!!  Leave your name and email address when leaving a response.  We will contact you when you win!!!  Good Luck!!

Question of the Day

Question #7 Please leave your name and email address

08/06/2014 11:18
MEN (well women can answer too if you want): If you meet someone and you like her, but she is practicing abstinence, how long could you wait? Would you be willing to wait a certain time period? What about until marriage? What are your thoughts on this?

Question 6: With everything going on in Chicago aka "Chi-raq", what do you think is the problem?

07/15/2014 12:26
With everything going on in Chicago aka "Chi-raq", what do you think is the problem? Please leave your name and email address!!!!!!!!

Question #5 What do you like/dislike about Holidays?

07/06/2014 22:46
Now that the Holidays are over for awhile, what do you like/dislike about the Holidays?  Holla at yo girl!!!!

Question #4: In honor of Black Music Month, who you is favorite artist/artists of all time?

06/23/2014 08:33

Question #3 Who is your favorite sports team and why? Who is your least favorite sports team and why?

06/16/2014 08:40
In lieu of the Spurs Championship, share with me your opinion!!!!

Question #2 What is your favorite movie that you could watch a million times? Why?

06/09/2014 07:38

Question #1

06/01/2014 20:16
What would your adult self tell your teenage self about life?

What's Your Answer?

Please leave comment below



06/02/2014 21:46
Relax and don't take yourself so seriously!


06/02/2014 18:31
Take life slow enjoy every moment because they will soon be just memories.


06/02/2014 18:11
Love does not hurt.  Love does not compromise it's integrity. Love is more than just words, it's the action behind the words. If you have to constantly ask, beg or demand quality time with your s/o then something is wrong & you need to address it. Lust will cost you more than you are...


06/02/2014 14:38
Never trust a big butt and a smile.


06/02/2014 11:49
Don't  waste your time. Don't think just because you are young, there's so much time for you to accomplish your goals. Time waits for no one and if you waste it, you' can't get it back. Get your education, maintain good credit, and organize your finances.  The more you know, the further...